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Complete PHP Script for Email Verification

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Imagine a stolen identity in the ever growing World Wide Web where data security and privacy is still a matter of concern among internet users! It is better left imagined than experienced! Tech regulatory bodies have over the years been very working hard to protect user data and privacy.

Email Verification is long practice among software developers and web masters. It is done to ensure email ownership, curb spamming and reduce fraud.

Overview of the Script

The script is built for email verification purpose. The script gets users email account upon registration and sends an activation code/Verification link to the provided email account.

Users who provide email accounts during registration are prompted to check their email accounts for the activation code sent by the system to their inbox.

The verification process is completed if users provide a matching and valid activation code. If the activation code or link clicked is valid, then email ownership is confirmed. The user can now sign in to the system.

Features of the Script

  1. 24/7 Support from our vast community of developers.
  2. Easy to set-up and super user friendly.
  3. Send Emails in Real-Time.

Use Scenario

  1. Small and Emerging businesses that need real time solutions to their email verification needs.
  2. Software developers who want to integrate email verification features to their applications.
  3. Corporate bodies looking for email marketing solutions.
  4. Computer Science/Engineering students and Researchers who wish to integrate email verification into their project work and design.

Built with PHP 5.6

V.1 (2022)

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