Contact forms are essential component of a website. The contact form provides an avenue to reach out to the web administrators of a web property and in most cases serve as a feedback and messaging channel.
Over the years, webmasters have incorporated contact forms during website development to reach out to their audiences in a more efficient and less expensive manner. Contact forms are usually placed in the Contact Us/Contact section of most websites.
The contact form takes certain vital information from users such as name, phone number, email address and the message. These information help webmasters to collect data and communicate with their users in the most stress-free manner.
The Contact Management Script collects vital information from users, prospects and existing clients and stores it in a database for further processing by the web administrator. Users get to fill in a form and hit the submit button and the web administrator gets a notification via email and SMS of a pending message to be attended to.
The Script uses best web communication practices and super fast when sending server request.
Built with PHP 5/7/8