The Nigerian Tertiary Institution just like every other tertiatiary institution in the world uses the Grade Point Average (GPA) and the Cummulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) to award degrees to students who have fulfiled all requirements for graduation.
These awards are based on the grades obtained right from the first semester to the end of the program and it is in divisions or classes. For most undergraduate programs, the divisions are usually First Class, Second class Upper Division, Second Class Lower Division, Third Class Division and Pass. Most Masters Programs in the US and UK uses just three divisions-Distinction, Merit and Pass.
The Grade Point Average (GPA) takes into consideration the Total credit units apportioned to a course, the various grade levels and points earned by the student. This is usually computed to determine the cummulative considering a two semester system
The Grading Point Average (GPA) excel template provides all tools needed for students and lecturers to calculate their GPA and CGPA in seconds! The template uses a real life scenario for calculating GPA and CGPA in Nigerian tertiary institutions and customisable for other tertiary institutions in the world.
This excel template will enable you to monitor your grades from the word GO! In essense, you will monitor and control your grades to get desired results and divisions on the convocation day.
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Excel Template
Version 2.0 (2022)